Providing Positive Economic Benefits to Champaign County
Clearview Solar
Clearview is a proposed 144 MW solar project located in Adams Township, Champaign County, OH. The project will consist of thousands of interconnected solar modules mounted on racking affixed to steel pilings driven into the ground without need for concrete foundations. On October 21st, 2021, Clearview Solar received their Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need from the Ohio Power Siting Board.
The Clearview Solar Project is being developed by Open Road Renewables. Open Road is a renewable energy company focused on development of utility-scale clean energy projects in the United States. Open Road’s highly experienced team is on a mission to make the promise of clean energy and economic security a reality for communities across the country.
Local Benefits
Solar allows landowners to diversify their income, plan for retirement, or even put their kids through college, while preserving the land for their future generations. Outside of the benefits to the participating landowners, there are benefits to the community from the increased tax revenue generated by the project. This revenue supports local tax jurisdictions where the Clearview is located including but not limited to the Graham Local School District, Adams Township, children services, emergency services, and Champaign County.
Minimal Impact
Modern solar farms consist of thousands of solar modules mounted on racking. The racking is mounted on steel posts driven into the soil without the use of poured concrete. Existing drainage is maintained and the entire site is planted with hardy, native grasses, even under the solar modules. Clearview is required to bond the project’s eventual decommissioning, allowing for adequate funding to return the site to its current agricultural condition.
The Clearview team developed the 200 MW Hillcrest Solar Project in Brown County, Ohio and is actively developing best-in-class solar projects across the state.
Project Location
Clearview will be a photovoltaic (“PV”) electric generation facility located north of Rosewood in Adams Township, Champaign County. The Project will have a maximum nameplate capacity of 144 MW. The Project will occupy about 1,000 acres of agricultural land, which can be returned to farming after 40 years. Construction of the facility is expected to begin in late 2021 and take about 12 months.
Preliminary Maximum Extent Site Plan
Maximum capacity: 144 MW
Total fenced area: 1,061 acres (+/-)
Inverter Type: Central
Racking type: Single-Axis Tracker
Foundation: Driven Pilings
Maximum height: 15 feet
Ground Coverage Ratio: 31% (+/-)
Minimum Setbacks from Non-Participating Residences
Fence: >150 feet
Inverters: >500 feet
Minimum Setbacks from Property Lines and Road ROWs
Fence: >25 feet
Minimum Setbacks from Streams and Wetlands
Fence: >25 feet